Welcome to The Fast Pod - a podcast all about speed


Motorsport PR pro Graeme Cleland brings you the fortnightly podcast that unlocks the secrets to going fast.

Each episode we bring you top guests, including the big names in motorsport we've encountered in 20 years of working in racing, rallying and the auto industry.

You'll hear from competitors from every discipline, people behind the scenes working hard to makes things go faster, the officials who run it all, and media personalities with deep insight into what makes them all tick.

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But we're not just talking about lap times and top speeds. We'll be diving deep into the secrets of what it takes to go quicker than the rest of the grid - exploring the psychology, strategy, and physical conditioning that goes into winning races.


The show is packed with insider knowledge, expert analysis, and behind-the-scenes stories that you won't find anywhere else. Plus some laughs. Motorsport is a serious business, but we know first hand it can be fun too.


So if you're looking to take your motorsport insight to the next level, then hit that subscribe button and download the latest episode now.